Sunday, May 4, 2014

Recognize the Symptoms of Joint Pain In Dogs

Dogs that show signs of aging are at risk of developing joint disease or arthritis is often called . This joint disease can reduce their quality of life because of the dog who attacked the joint disease can no longer move freely and always suffer from the pain .Many dog ​​owners who have dogs already suffering from joint disease . If you already suffer from joint disease the fastest way to alleviate this disease is by means of surgery . The problem is , the fewer the number of veterinarians can operate this joint disease in Indonesia . This joint operation in addition to expensive also quite risky for dogs who are already old because the dog needs to be sedated total . In addition , surgery is not necessarily a permanent solution to cure your joint pain in dogs .Signs of canine joint disease began to be attacked :

Hobble ( Sometimes )
Difficult or reluctant to relocate if it is sitting or lying down
Easy fatigue , road briefly already panting
Irritable if disturbed
Licked the leg joints excessively even chewed the joints
swollen jointsIt is better to prevent than cure . Yes , you can prevent joint disease is before you see the above symptoms . The following preventive measures :Always keep your dog 's body weight to prevent obesity
Moderate exercise such as walking on a regular basis , if you want to bring a dog to run , find a grassy area not paved . Asphalt road adds to the pressure on the joints while running
Give special supplements or vitamins for joints that are sold in pet stores or veterinary clinics
Not breed dogs affected joint disease because this disease can be reduced in anakannyaJoint supplementation early age helps avoid canine joint disease as joint supplements will help lubricate the joints in dogs .