Saturday, May 3, 2014

Vomiting In Dogs

Vomiting is an event of the occurrence of the physiological processes of the production of a ( liquor , food , foreign objects ) from the stomach through the mouth. Case vomiting rarely occurs in dogs. However , the likelihood of vomiting due to the reaction of the body to reject foreign objects are swallowed and enter the stomach and the digestive system abnormalities .  
Clinical symptoms appear :

The release of the mouth is not a normal
Emerging nausea
Emerging pain
Dogs suffering from stress
Weakened body conditioncause :

Sudden feed changes
Volume of feed / drink too much and too fast in
Material feed / drink containing poison and has expired
Dogs have allergic reactions to certain foods
There is a disease of the digestive tract (inflammation , worms , protozoa , etc.)
Hepatitis , tumors, kidney disease
Anatomical abnormality of digestive tract

Diagnosis is done :

Based on the clinical symptoms appear
Laboratory examination of objects thrown out to know the status of things is what is poisonous , foul / expired , giving rise to allergic reactions, etc.
Blood tests to find out if there is a sustained disease in dogsPrevention is done :

Avoid granting of a new feed directly, should be mixed first with a long feed annjing can adjust the composition to adapt to the new feed
Give feed that has not expired
Keep dogs from dangerous goods and contain toxicMedications and treatments are performed :

If vomiting occurs as a result of feeding a new kind , immediately replace it with the old type of feed
Provide anti- vomiting drug
Give antibiotics to cure cuts mngobati
Give resolvent
If vomiting is caused by a tumor , surgery should be performed